Board of Trustees

Board Members

Presiding Member

Kate Hoedemakers

Parent Reps:    

Nicole Gluyas

Angelina Stephens

Kate McIntyre

Steve Macaulay


Pax O'Dowd

Staff Rep

Julie Welch


Our BoT

The 'Board of Trustees' works hard for our school. They meet monthly to plan and report on the progress made with various projects around the school, as well as managing the school's finances and ensuring that View Hill School is a safe place for all.  The BoT meets in Mahi Tahi and the school community is welcome to attend the monthly meeting.  

If you have anything you wish to discuss with the BoT, please contact the Presiding Member via the School Office. 

Our VHS Policies and Procedures  are reviewed on a regular basis and should you have any comments or questions about a policy or procedure, please contact either the Principal or BOT Presiding Member.  The documents can be accessed through the School Docs website.    [Usename: viewhill,  Password: school]