School Information
Postal Address:
View Hill School, 496 Island Road,
RD 1, Oxford 7495
(03) 312 4336
Follow Us Online:
Nestled in the foothills of Mount Oxford, about 15 mins west of Oxford or an hour from Christchurch, NZ.
Page Content
Office HoursSchool HoursAbsencesLatenessLeaving EarlyEnrolmentSchool ZoneUniformOffice Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8.30am - 3.30pm
Outside these hours, please leave a message on our answerphone.
School Hours
Children are able to be dropped off at school from 8.30am onwards.
The morning bell rings at 9.00am and it is expected that all children are ready to start the day, with bags unpacked and goodbyes said by this time.
9.00am - 10.40am Class time
10.40am - 11.00am Morning tea
11.00am - 12.40pm Class time
12.40pm - 1.30pm Lunch time
1.30pm - 3.00pm Class time
The school day ends at 3.00pm.
We expect children to have left the school grounds by 3.15pm unless they are being directly supervised by a caregiver.
If your child is unable to attend school, it is important that you phone, email or use HERO to notify the office before 9.00am. This procedure is for the protection and safety of your child. If no record has been made of your child's absence, the school office will make contact with you.
The Ministry of Education also requires us to record a reason for your child's absence, (e.g. illness, dental appointment, holiday) and if we are not given a reason, your child's absence will be recorded as truant.
Note: It is always best to let the school office know of absences rather than the class teacher, as in a busy classroom the teacher may not be able to pass the message along to the office.
If your child arrives after 9.00am, they must come into the office to be signed in. If they have not been signed in, and the class roll has been completed, you may receive a phone call regarding their absence!
Leaving/Returning during School Hours
If your children is being picked up during school hours, they must be signed out by an adult. There is a clipboard outside the Principal's office for you to note the child's name and the time they left. When a child returns to school during the day, they must be signed back in by an adult too. These procedures help keep your child safe in case of an emergency.
View Hill School has an enrolment zone in place (see below). We welcome enquiries from families outside of the school zone. Contact the office for an enrolment pack or to arrange a visit to look around the school.
Families with children they wish to enrol as New Entrants, are encouraged to contact the school when the child turns four as they may start attending the monthly transition to school afternoons. Each year we hold a ballot (if required) for Out of Zone places early in Term 4 for the following year. Contact the office for more information.
School Zone
Students are expected and encouraged to take pride in their general appearance and demonstrate the school values of respect and excellence.
The View Hill School uniform consists of:
A blue polo top with our logo embroidered into the fabric.
A polo fleece jumper, also with the embroidered logo is available. We have these items for sale from the school office.
Trousers, shorts and skirts should blend appropriately with our uniform top. We do not sell these items from school.
A green sports top, with logo, is also available for purchase for any year and is a requirement from year 5 and above as these children represent View Hill School in sports events elsewhere in the community.
Second-hand uniforms are also available from the school office.
View Hill School supplies a Sun Smart approved sunhat to children each year. The colour represents the class they are from.
Thursday is our mufti day when children can wear appropriate civies.If children arrive at school in a non-regulation top, including an outer jumper, on other days, we will loan them a View Hill School item for the day and return their mufti clothing to them at the end of the day.